First up tonight with a late start is Air Force. Without further ado, here are the 'Nooks lines.
F1 Garrick Perry - Tyler Morley - Nolan Huysmans
F2 Cotton Sparrow - Peter Krieger - Marcus Basara
F3 Brandon Morley - Taylor Munson - Austin Vieth
F4 Nolan Youngman - Shawn Hochhausen - Alec Hajdukovich
D1 Kyle Froese - Colton Parayko
D2 Zach Frye - Trevor Campbell
D3 Josh Atkinson - Nolan Kaiser
G1 Davis Jones
G2 Sean Cahill
Vietnam? Paraiso? Damn you auto correct?
DAMN AUTO CORRECT! That's what I get for getting a new phone just before the season started...
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